



Xpense Whiz is a money tracker app that keeps detailed track of monetary activities i.e. income & expenses with ease. Built with simple user interface and taking lots of consideration on experience to ensure the core feature is achieved with minimal clicks. It lets you manage your finances and gives accurate insights on how to plan ahead against future expenses.KEY FEATURES- Available currenciesIt integrates a wide variety of currencies, including: EUR, USD, NGN, GBP, etcto manage your finances.- Income & expenseYou are able to maintain detailed records of all transactions made as well as observe parameters like categories and accounts.- AccountsAllows you to work with three accounts: cash, bank, and credit card, allowing you to observe your cash flow more closely.- InsightsVisualizing your monetary activities with colorful charts gives you an quick overview of how youre doing.- LimitsProvides an easy way to limit expenses so as not to become a spendthrift.